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Relationships and emotional health, including Attachments, Immersions, Supports, Stages and much more…
Level 2 completes what you began in level 1. You will learn key additional metaphorical taxonomies not taught in level 1. Knowing what these metaphorical categories mean, and how to work with them, will provide you with the ability to work with any metaphor you encounter. Level 2 is focused particularly on relationships, emotional health, and the stages of life, as well as other aspects not covered in level 1 such as introduction to business and money metaphors, plus more.
Now that you know and have practiced the structure of the Metaphors of Movement process, and learned the most basic metaphor categories, you’ll learn about relational positioning within metaphor, where and how to "take a stand," and additional key metaphorical categories (taxonomies) and how to work with them. The overall theme of level II is that of relationships and emotional health.
Webinars 1 & 2
Webinars 3 & 4
The format of this class will be fun and experiential. Your trainer Mark Andreas will introduce each topic, share some examples, and demonstrate with volunteers in front of the group or with group guided exercises. Then you’ll have a chance to explore and practice each element in smaller groups, followed by group discussion and Q & A.
Training Dates & Times: February 22-23 & March 1-2, 2024 (Saturdays & Sundays)
Each webinar will be 10:00am – 1:30pm, Denver Colorado time
Location: Online using Zoom
4 Bonus Group Practice Sessions: these sessions will be from 10:00am to 12:00noon Denver CO time on these Thursdays: Feb 27, and March 6, 13 & 20.
Bonus MoM Session Offer: If you like, you can get a 90-min. Metaphors of Movement session with Mark Andreas for the reduced price of $200, after you sign up for this training. These sessions will take place over Zoom either before or after the training. Contact Mark here to arrange your session.
Mark Andreas is an international trainer of Metaphors of Movement, Core Transformation, Coming to Wholeness, and other NLP and personal transformation seminars. He runs a private practice offering change coaching sessions in Metaphors of Movement (and the above methods) to anyone with a good internet connection and a credit card ( Mark’s experience with Metaphors of Movement started at the beginning, when Andrew Austin was first developing the process. AndreasNLP Hosted Andy in Colorado in 2009, where Mark got the opportunity to sit in on one of the first Metaphors of Movement presentations (as well as witnessing individual client sessions) when the process was still in its infancy. As Andy evolved the method, Mark has trained with Andy and/or sat in on personal sessions almost every year since.
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