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Unlock the power of metaphors in your life with this comprehensive streaming video course!
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Experience the groundbreaking Metaphors of Movement work in this comprehensive Level 1 training brought to you by trainer and author, Mark Andreas. This course will guide you through the mind-blowing world of unconscious metaphor, how these metaphors shape our lives, and what they reveal about our complex life experiences.
Take the first step towards understanding and harnessing the power of metaphors in your life and also with your clients.
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Mark Andreas is an international trainer of Metaphors of Movement, Core Transformation, Coming to Wholeness, and other NLP and personal transformation seminars. He runs a private practice offering change coaching sessions in Metaphors of Movement (and the above methods) to anyone with a good internet connection and a credit card ( Mark’s experience with Metaphors of Movement started at the beginning, when Andrew Austin was first developing the process. AndreasNLP Hosted Andy in Colorado in 2009, where Mark got the opportunity to sit in on one of the first Metaphors of Movement presentations (as well as witnessing individual client sessions) when the process was still in its infancy. As Andy evolved the method, Mark has trained with Andy and/or sat in on personal sessions almost every year since.
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