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Take Core Transformation to the next level, deepening your personal benefits while learning to help others
If you’ve already experienced the power of Core Transformation through CT Foundation, you know the significance of this method. Advanced Core Transformation Online is designed to help you take this valuable coaching method to the next level.
Learn the Essential Skills of Success with Core Transformation!
A skilled guide can achieve near 100% success at guiding a client through Core Transformation, and helping them access deep inner resources of well-being. Of course, some clients are easy to guide. But what about those who have some difficulty with the process? They may be the clients who need Core Transformation the most.
Discover the Flexibility of Core Transformation!
In our Core Transformation Foundation course, participants learn to use the standard Core Transformation script—which is very important. However, Core Transformation is actually an amazingly flexible process. With Core Transformation, we can meet a client where they are, almost all the time.
Experience the Full Power of Core Transformation!
Those who have attended the CT Foundation seminar already know CT is incredibly powerful. But there’s much more to it. Participants in the Advanced Course will be supported in using CT as an ongoing practice. The feedback we receive is that this is what it takes to truly understand the power of Core Transformation.
Reap the Benefits of Over Two Decades of Core Transformation Development!
As our Core Transformation trainer team has been using this powerful method with hundreds–even thousands–of seminar participants and clients, we’ve learned a lot more about how to be effective. You can now benefit from our very best material in our advanced courses (the Advanced Training, plus the Coaches’ Training).
Discover Many Ways Core Transformation Supports Health and Healing
Many people are already using Core Transformation with health issues, and getting great results. We’ll be teaching how to use CT for maximum health benefit.
You’ve taken Core Transformation Foundation live with Tamara Andreas or Mark Andreas, or the Core Transformation Foundation streaming video training with Tamara Andreas, within the last 10 years.
If you took the training more than 10 years ago, or with a different trainer, we want you to refresh/update your skills by getting the streaming video training or attending a current live training with Tamara or Mark.
In this advanced training, we will go deeper with Core Transformation by learning significant custom Core Transformation formats, as well as valuable frames and approaches for a variety of challenging topic areas. Working together as a group we can learn from and be inspired by each other, as well as gain from Tamara and Mark’s experience.
You will learn essential skills for success in guiding a range of clients, including those who have certain common challenges with the process such as:
You will experience the power of Core Transformation yourself, even more deeply by:
In addition to the main training sessions each week (Three days worth of material), you will have five 2-hour small group practice sessions led by experienced coaches, so you can really embody and put into practice what you learn each week. We’ve realized that the number one way to become a skilled practitioner of Core Transformation is through practice, combined with this kind of peer support–where we can learn not only from our own experience, but also that of others.
6 Webinars (3 hours each, followed by 30 min. optional Q & A time): Sessions will be held Saturdays from 10am-1pm Denver CO Time, followed by 30 min. of optional Q & A time. These sessions will be held:
5 Small-Group Practice Sessions (2 hours each): Led by an experienced coach on Wednesdays from either 10am-12noon OR 5pm-7pm Denver, CO Time. If we have enough requests to form a group at a different time, we will do our best to accommodate this. These Wed. sessions will be held:
Extra Support
The intention of these coaching sessions is to support you in integrating your new learnings about Core Transformation, into your ongoing practice with yourself and others. This will also be a great way to maintain continuity for those of you going on to the CT Coach Certification training in the fall.
Can’t participate on Saturdays?
Check back here soon for a link to register for our Sunday Option. Instead of taking the training on Saturdays, you’ll meet on the following day at the same time (Sundays from 10:00am to 1:30pm Denver time, with bonus Q & A from 1:30-2pm Denver time). An experienced CT Coach will play the training recordings from the previous day, and help you practice each exercise live (Tamara and Mark won’t be present on Sunday). You’ll have access to the recorded Q & A with Tamara and Mark, and you can also ask questions of your CT Coach, or of Tamara & Mark through the facebook group. (The small group practice sessions on Wednesdays will be the same as listed above.)
After you register, you’ll receive an option to start getting the benefits of this wonderful material right now!
You can gain immediate access to…
• All the recordings from our 2024 Advanced CT course! (You’ll have access for 1 year.)
• Entire 2024 ACT manual (134 pages)!
• Early access to our ACT 2025 Facebook Group
(So you can find other “early learners” to practice with if you wish)!
And of course, you’ll still have the full experience of this year’s Live ACT course to look forward to, beginning April 27!
This special “Early Access ACT” is available for just $135, Here’s how to get it:
1. Register now for the 2025 Advanced CT course, and pay in full. This will be non-refundable. (That’s because you’ll be receiving all of our materials right away.)
2. Email [email protected] to let us know you’ve signed up for Advanced CT and you’d like to also get Early Access ACT.
3. You’ll receive access to the Early Access ACT materials. This is done manually, and can usually happen by the next business day.
We hope you enjoy your training—right away!
A colleague of ours (who is a licensed mental health professional), has been using Core Transformation for several decades with clients who’ve been given a wide range of diagnoses. She’s found CT effective across the board. So far, every time we’ve asked her “have you used CT with clients who have been given x diagnosis,” she’s said “yes.” She reports that in her time working for mental health centers, she often became the “person who could work with the challenging clients,” to help them get results or work toward positive change. CT is the main method she was using.
With complex cases such as borderline, dissociative personality, etc., we believe Core Transformation is likely to be your best bet of any method we know of. In many cases, even with CT, resolving a serious issue won’t be quick and easy–it will still likely take persistence, working with the person over time. We anticipate that some clients will be easier and respond more quickly than one might expect, while others are likely to respond very slowly over time. However, compared to other approaches, we believe CT, in the hands of a skilled guide, will result in significantly more efficient progress. In some cases, CT results in some progress, where before there was no progress.
Recently, Connirae has been working with someone who experienced extreme abuse as a child, using primarily Core Transformation, and the client says it’s the first thing that is actually working for her. Connirae has found that whenever an obstacle or challenge emerges, she can shift from the usual script to one of the variations taught in the advanced CT training–to match the client’s experience in the moment. If the guide knows these moves, then CT becomes effective with a much wider group of people.
Some of what’s useful for complex cases you’ll already learn in the ACT (Advanced CT), and some is in the CTCC (Coach Cert). If you want to work with people who have serious issues, you’ll find what we teach in the ACT very useful. The section on working with trauma is in the ACT. We think anyone who plans to use CT professionally with a wide range of clients needs the skills we teach in the ACT.
Then, the CTCC (Coach Cert) includes information about more specific types of difficulties, such as depression, anxiety, addictions, and more. Professionals who work with clients with serious issues have given us very positive feedback about our content.
Of course, both courses also include helpful tips and strategies that are useful for any client, even clients who are dealing with something much simpler. Some of the solutions that are necessary for success with a difficult client can also enhance the experience of an easy client.
Yes, we recommend the Advanced CT course if you want to get the most out of Core Transformation for yourself. Everything you learn is likely to help your own self practice. Here are some of the personal benefits:
Since you’re excited about learning the Advanced material, we have a suggestion that can allow you to start learning now, and learn the material even better in the long run.
First, consider being part of this year’s training, and getting the most you possibly can this year. Here’s how this works:
Of course, we’ll support you doing what works for you. However, if you’re excited about maximizing your CT skills now, it makes sense to let that enthusiasm fuel your learning this year! You’ll end up where you want to be a lot faster that way, and you’ll benefit from the ACT material for a whole extra year. Next year, you’ll be way ahead of where you’d be if you’d waited.
Tamara Andreas is an international transformational seminar leader and co-author of the book, Core Transformation: Reaching the Wellspring Within, and the Core Transformation Training Manual. She has been bringing the Core Transformation work to people around the world for over two decades, and has been the lead trainer for this process and for the Wholeness Work trainings in Asia. She has used Core Transformation in depth in her own life, which enriches what she offers in both trainings and private coaching sessions. Since 2007, Tamara has been offering in-depth Core Transformation Trainings in Japan, where she now teaches a customized training series and mentors a growing group of members of the Japan Core Transformation Trainer’s Association.
People trust Tamara’s adept skill in creating safety and clarity through which to explore their own transformations. Her heartfelt and gentle style, along with her mastery of the material, make her a well-loved and effective Trainer. Tamara makes presentations tailored for business groups, health professionals and educators. She lives and works with her husband and son in Colorado.
Mark has taught Core Transformation in five states and seven countries, having traveled as far as India, Russia, Romania, the Netherlands, Portugal, and Canada to teach Core Transformation. Mark is the co-designer and co-trainer of the Core Transformation Coach Certification Training (along with Tamara Andreas). He has led multiple research trials [link to this in a new tab: ] in Core Transformation, including several randomized controlled trials. This research shows the effectiveness of Core Transformation as guided by coaches in the Andreas’ Core Transformation Coach Certification training. Mark is also a personal transformation coach, meeting over Zoom using Core Transformation, Metaphors of Movement, Wholeness Work, NLP, and other methods. With this wide range of tools, Core Transformation remains the single method he has used the most over the last fifteen years, both with himself, and with clients—because of it’s profound effectiveness and ease of application to a wide range of life issues. Visit for more details.
Mark’s book, Waltzing with Wolverines: Finding Connection and Cooperation with Troubled Teens, offers a fresh and effective approach to working with teens and “kids of all ages,” based on his experience working for a Wilderness Therapy company in CO. In Mark’s unique style, this book teaches through stories and examples, making it a fun read.
Mark is also author of the book “Sweet Fruit From The Bitter Tree: 61 Stories Of Creative And Compassionate Ways Out Of Conflict,” endorsed by Dan Millman and William Ury.
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