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Gain Pro-Level Skills at One of the World’s Most Profound and Effective Change Methods
Join a community of people from around the world who are committed to using Core Transformation in their own lives, and making it available to others in a quality way.
Now backed by research, master the nuances of Core Transformation as your main modality with clients:
Get Trained in a way that maximizes your time invested:
In addition to the main trainings taught by Tamara, Mark & Connirae (27-hours worth of material), you will have four 3-hour Mentor Group training sessions led by certified CT coaches. In these Mentor Group sessions, you will be learning new material through short videos from Tamara and Mark, followed by practice sessions facilitated by your Mentors. We’ve realized that the number one way to become a skilled practitioner of Core Transformation is through practice, combined with this kind of peer support—where we can learn not only from our own experience, but also from that of others.
With three levels of practice and three levels of feedback, this program offers the opportunity to truly merit your certificate when you complete. We aren’t looking for perfection, but we are there to support your improvement at every step, so you’ll be prepared for a highly successful practice.
It’s not just about what we want to teach, it’s about what YOU want to learn
This course is designed with the flexibility to address real client challenges faced by participants. You can bring your toughest client examples to the training, and there will be exercise and/or group discussion time to find solutions. In this training we go beyond teaching specific solutions, to also include teaching our strategies for dealing with one-of-a-kind situations. What do we do when the usual solution doesn’t work? You’ll find out!
The training will happen online through Zoom.
2025 CT Coach Certification dates & times: The program will meet every Saturday (except Oct 18) from Aug. 23 through Nov. 22. Other than orientation (shorter meeting), meetings are from 10am-1pm Denver CO Time, followed by a bonus 30-min Q & A time after some sessions. Sessions will be held:
Each week in this training (other than orientation week) will involve:
Bonus support if desired:
*$400 deposit needed to register
It’s for anyone who’s met the prerequisites, who wants to develop a professional level of CT skills.
It probably isn’t a good fit for someone who only wants change for themselves, and isn’t interested in guiding others. That’s because only about ⅓ of the CT sessions you’ll be doing are swaps (you guide someone for half the sessions, and you’re guided by someone for the other half). For the other ⅔ of the CT sessions, you’ll be guiding clients who are new to CT, giving them 2 sessions each.
(Of course, if you have time for it, you can probably find others to pair up with for extra practice swaps. This isn’t guaranteed though.)
No. We always have a substantial portion of the group who hasn’t been seeing clients yet.
Our experience is that most people who’ve been through the Advanced CT course, who can also spend a little time preparing over the summer, are ready to take the next CTCC in the fall. (In some cases, we do recommend spending a year getting practice with CT and then taking it.)
Keep in mind that the Beyond the Script (BTS) course is designed to help you prepare for the CTCC, and most people can easily do the few recommended BTS modules over the summer.
Here’s what “readiness” looks like to us:
From the Foundation course:
From the Advanced CT course:
These are reasons some people spend an extra year getting more experience with Core Transformation before taking the CTCC.
If you’d like to take the CTCC, yet you have doubts about if you’re ready, please reach out to us.
Sometimes, very capable people are quite hard on themselves. So feeling a lack of confidence doesn’t necessarily mean that you don’t have the skills you would need for the CTCC.
First, compared with the ACT, the CTCC has twice as many units.
Also, because we’re certifying that you have skills, this takes a great deal more time from us. Twice during the course, you'll have one on one time with Tamara and/or Mark, getting individualized feedback and tips.
We also provide you with services such as listing your coaching business on our website, giving you sample marketing materials and coaching forms, maintaining the legal trademark of the method that benefits all coaches, etc.
Supporting the logistics for this course is much more involved (such as finding you clients to work with, connecting you, etc.) We think this is well worth the added value of actually getting to practice your skills with real people you don’t know, who don’t yet have experience with CT (and more importantly, getting feedback while you’re practicing). Many courses don’t provide any opportunities to practice with real clients from outside the course. In our course you’ll gain the confidence that comes from knowing you can work with people with no background in CT, because you’ve already done it..
The CTCC is also a smaller group, limited to 24 participants. We predict that most likely, the group will be between 16 and 24. This gives you added value of extra time and attention throughout the course.
We’ve done some “internet research” to find out what other training institutes are doing, and we’ve found that some other Coach Certification programs cost between $10k and $20k, while delivering (in our opinion) less value than we are. So we’re very comfortable that the value is there.
You may have noticed that compared to some other coach certification programs, we deliver more value for significantly lower tuition. It’s because we can. And we think this level of tuition is appropriate for our market, and for a lot of people who are in it to help others.
We might not always think this way. Occasionally, we wonder if our tuition is way too low. However, we don’t currently have a plan for a major increase in tuition.
Tamara Andreas is an international transformational seminar leader and co-author of the book, Core Transformation: Reaching the Wellspring Within, and the Core Transformation Training Manual. She has been bringing the Core Transformation work to people around the world for over two decades, and has been the lead trainer for this process and for the Wholeness Work trainings in Asia. She has used Core Transformation in depth in her own life, which enriches what she offers in both trainings and private coaching sessions. Since 2007, Tamara has been offering in-depth Core Transformation Trainings in Japan, where she now teaches a customized training series and mentors a growing group of members of the Japan Core Transformation Trainer’s Association.
People trust Tamara’s adept skill in creating safety and clarity through which to explore their own transformations. Her heartfelt and gentle style, along with her mastery of the material, make her a well-loved and effective Trainer. Tamara makes presentations tailored for business groups, health professionals and educators. She lives and works with her husband and son in Colorado.
Mark has taught Core Transformation in five states and seven countries, having traveled as far as India, Russia, Romania, the Netherlands, Portugal, and Canada to teach Core Transformation. Mark is the co-designer and co-trainer of the Core Transformation Coach Certification Training (along with Tamara Andreas). He has led multiple research trials [link to this in a new tab: ] in Core Transformation, including several randomized controlled trials. This research shows the effectiveness of Core Transformation as guided by coaches in the Andreas’ Core Transformation Coach Certification training. Mark is also a personal transformation coach, meeting over Zoom using Core Transformation, Metaphors of Movement, Wholeness Work, NLP, and other methods. With this wide range of tools, Core Transformation remains the single method he has used the most over the last fifteen years, both with himself, and with clients—because of it’s profound effectiveness and ease of application to a wide range of life issues. Visit for more details.
Mark’s book, Waltzing with Wolverines: Finding Connection and Cooperation with Troubled Teens, offers a fresh and effective approach to working with teens and “kids of all ages,” based on his experience working for a Wilderness Therapy company in CO. In Mark’s unique style, this book teaches through stories and examples, making it a fun read.
Mark is also author of the book “Sweet Fruit From The Bitter Tree: 61 Stories Of Creative And Compassionate Ways Out Of Conflict,” endorsed by Dan Millman and William Ury.
Irit Horn & Don Pelles
Workshop Organizers, Montgomery County, MD
“Tamara was magnificent! Her skill, patience, and love shone through! By Sunday as the workshop was ending, everyone was glowing.”
Participant, Austin TX
“I wanted to personally tell you how much I appreciated your instruction. I wouldn’t mind taking the workshop again next weekend! There is no way to describe the feeling of surprise and delight in reaching a core state rapidly through a short verbal process—descending down the rabbit hole into an inner world of peace or oneness or love. Mark Andreas’ instruction was perfect. He was easy to follow and his manner compassionate. I would recommend the Core Transformation workshop to anyone!”
2025 CT Coach Certification Dates & Times
With a $400 Deposit, you can register for CT Coach Certification 2025 and secure your place in next year’s training at the extra earlybird price of $3200.
2025 dates (All Saturdays):
Meetings are from 10am-1pm Denver CO Time, followed by a bonus 30-min Q & A time after some sessions.
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