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Streaming video trainings, NLP videos on specific techniques, recorded client sessions, and more.
Deepen your journey into undivided awareness with advanced techniques, including polarities, dreamwork, meta-program integration, and health applications.
Unlock deeper transformation with Connirae’s Level II Wholeness Work. Experience guided processes, live demos, and advanced integration techniques. Prerequisite: Level I.
Learn not only how to uncover your own metaphors, but how to engage them at a physiological and neurological level — a completely new approach to overcoming stuck states and creating effective movement towards our personal goals…
Watch as Steve Andreas helps an Iraq war veteran resolve flashbacks, nightmares, rages, grief, perfectionism, anxiety, hypervigilance, and the internal critical voices that trigger many of these…
In this online video training, you’ll learn complete treatment protocols for the phobic response of terror and the nightmares and flashbacks many PTSD sufferers experience…
The 8 hours of video training in this online course will teach you to gently dissolve the “I”, resolve a variety of problems from insomnia to relationship conflicts, and also teach you a different kind of meditation which can be very relaxing for the entire nervous system…
After one Wholeness training, many people experience profound benefits in their life. Yet there is still so much to be learned, as the Wholeness Work is simple yet rich with subtlety…
This is a complete workshop experience, specially designed to be accessible to everyone. No prior background is needed. However, seasoned NLP practitioners already using these processes…
People have realized for centuries that a strong identity provides both a keel and a compass as we sail the seas of life, maintaining stability and direction despite winds, weather, and currents…
Beyond Self-Esteem, the power of the self-concept in motivating and directing a person’s behavior has been recognized for years. This pattern, developed by Steve and Connirae Andreas…
Part of me wants to do this, but another part is not sure. You’ve probably heard this before, and maybe you’ve even said it. The “part” that’s not sure is usually “not sure” for an important reason. Use six-step reframing to examine…
Experts acknowledge shame as a root cause of many difficulties – including alcoholism, drug abuse, and codependence. Steve Andreas examines the structure of shame, then demonstrates…
It is possible to resolve grief relatively quickly, using a method developed by Steve and Connirae Andreas. In this classic video demonstration, Connirae Andreas will show you how…
In seven minutes, Steve helps a client eliminate an intense, 20-year phobia of bees. One year later, Steve tests this therapeutic intervention by bringing a bottle of bees into her house and…
Timelines (the way people “code” time) are one of the more easily understood models in NLP. Useful for problem solving, the model is also very useful in setting goals and creating the…
A “core state” is a state of being. It is not something you do or achieve (success). It’s not something you get from others (appreciation) or even yourself (self-appreciation). It is not something you…
A “core state” is a state of being. It is not something you do or achieve (success). It’s not something you get from others (appreciation) or even yourself (self-appreciation). It is not something you…
Parental Timeline Reimprinting is included in most Core Transformation seminars and is a powerful method for using our Core States to heal our past, even in very troubled circumstances…
See a basic example of the Core Transformation process in action as Connirae Andreas helps Roger resolve writer’s block. Connirae guides Roger in discovering the positive purpose within…
What do you really want? How do you really feel? Are your answers colored by what someone else wants or feels? What do you think your friend wants or feels? Is your answer to this latter question…
This 20 minute demonstration of the Wholeness Work Meditation Format is intended to accompany Coming to Wholeness, by Connirae Andreas. A full transcript of this session is included…
The Swish Pattern is a rapid, effective intervention for modifying habits and feelings. Includes two demonstrations by Steve and Connirae Andreas…
Many people continue to be troubled by regret over past decisions that didn’t turn out well. Learn how to identify the two kinds of regret, and the many ways in which they differ, and how each…
On this 70 minute video available as a digital download, you’ll see a clean and effective demonstration and teaching of two powerful NLP methods, complete with discussion and follow-up…
This live seminar video from the 2009 Advanced Mastery Training is a succinct teaching of Andy’s IEMT process – a highly-effective method for dealing with emotions and/or trauma…
Eye movement integration (EMI), developed by Connirae and Steve Andreas, is NLP’s kinder, gentler, more rapid and effective version of Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR)…
See Metaphors of Movement in practice in this real-life 90-minute client session with Mark Andreas, including initial intake form, email feedback a week later, and video interview a month later.
Watch as Mark Andreas guides a client through resolving foot pain in one session.* This isn't a demo from a training, it is a real client session including initial background information, session notes,...
Hilde had had a difficult and lonely life; recently several years of life-threatening illness had already put her “over the top” into a moderate depression and hopelessness…
Lori had successfully lost 150 pounds over a period of two years, with an intense program of exercise and food monitoring. However, for the last year she had “hit a plateau” with no further progress…
Alanna was incongruent about telling people how much she charged for her biofeedback sessions, and often gave sessions for half-price or free. Underlying her incongruence was…
Lori had successfully lost 150 pounds over a period of two years, with an intense program of exercise and food monitoring. However, for the last year she had “hit a plateau” with no further progress…
Jennifer often “froze up” during sex because it reminded her of her father’s sexual abuse from very young up to the age of 9 when this was discovered and her father left. When her current partner…
Amy had experienced night terrors for 24 years, since before she was 13. “Tons of therapy” over the years, “enough for several trips to Hawaii” had made no change. She would scream in the night…
Cynthia was a professional pianist whose performance anxiety was a serious block in her career. Sometimes she froze up completely during performance — the musical notes disappeared…
Since Gina was very compassionate, she easily became overinvolved with her clients, became “flooded” with their feelings, resulting in daily fatigue, and eventual “burnout.” Creating flexible…
Beryl expressed a strong polarity which she variously described as: moving forward vs. receiving and allowing, risk vs. stability, doing vs. being, confidence vs. fear, masculine vs. feminine…
Simon had no trouble motivating himself positively to run a 5K race, which he loved, but he completely avoided dealing with his finances. When a letter came from the IRS, he felt anxious…
Virginia Satir was one of the pioneers of family therapy. She was also a major source of NLP patterns and distinctions. In 1985 she presented a morning and afternoon keynote address…
This video contains two training segments from the 2010 Advanced Mastery Training featuring Steve Andreas. The first training segment begins with an example of using the “prior cause”…
Connirae Andreas shows you ideas and attitudes that make parenting easier, in contrast to the all-too-common assumptions that make parenting needlessly difficult. Discover how to…
Virginia counsels Linda, a woman who holds anger and resentment toward her mother (feels her mother is too critical). Using a “tableau” (guided skit), Satir helps Linda view her parents and…
In this 40-minute video download, Steve responds to questions asked by Chris Gunn, a videographer, while on vacation in Hawaii in January 2015. Topics range from NLP and its history, to…
Danie Beaulieu offers a stunningly evocative array of ways to use simple objects as visual and behavioral metaphors for key aspects of a client’s problem, and then use these to work toward…
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