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Real People Press Book List: Inquire with us about gaining rights to translate and publish the following titles:
Gestalt Therapy Verbatim
by Frederick Perls
In and Out the Garbage Pail
by Frederick Perls
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Real People Press is the original publisher of the following titles, authored by Richard Bandler and John Grinder. It is not possible to negotiate foreign rights agreements in new languages for these books. (All existing foreign rights contracts are honored.)
Frogs into Princes
Using Your Brain - for a Change
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Real People Press is the original publisher of the following titles, which are now out-of-print in the Real People Press English edition:
Notes to Myself
by Hugh Prather
Person to Person
by Carl Rodgers & Barry Stevens
by Steve Andreas (authored under his former name, John O. Stevens)
Don't Push the River
by Barry Stevens
Embrace Tiger, Return to Mountain
by Al Chung Liang Huang
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