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A truly ground-breaking new book that provides a practical and generative “unified field theory” of experience and personal change. These simple understandings are illustrated with examples from the most effective therapists, collected over a lifetime.
If you ever find yourself out of choices — either in your own life, or in your work with others — you know how nice it would be to always have something to do next. You’ll learn how the fundamental distinctions of scope, category, and logical level offer a way to describe and track all our experiences — from ordinary troubles and difficulties to positive mystic experiences of union or oneness. The same knowledge provides surprisingly endless possibilities for changing your experience when you want it to be different.
The book is illustrated with a multitude of rich examples gleaned from expert therapists — Milton Erickson, Virgina Satir, Frank Farrelly, Leslie Cameron-Bandler, Carl Whitaker, Salvador Minuchin, and many others. Some of these examples would be completely baffling without these understandings.
Those who appreciate a rigorous analysis will appreciate the clear discussion of logical levels. Although misunderstood by many previous thinkers, including Gregory Bateson, logical levels provide a simple way to determine where and how to intervene in problems. (Volume II continues this by examining a variety of more complex and troublesome communication patterns.)
While I had been thinking of this as an advanced book, the proofreader, with no NLP or therapeutic background at all, said that he wished he had read it twenty years ago, because it would have made his life so much easier.
Steve Andreas, M.A., was introduced to NLP in 1977, and was one of the first in a small group to be certified as NLP practitioner, master practitioner, and trainer by the co-developers in 1979, along with his partner, Connirae. He and Connirae co-edited four of the early classic Bandler/Grinder books, Frogs into Princes, Trance-formations, Reframing, and Using Your Brain—for a CHANGE. Steve and Connirae together wrote Heart of the Mind, and Change Your Mind—and Keep the Change.
Steve has also written Virginia Satir: The Patterns of her Magic, modeling how Satir used NLP principles in her work with families, and Transforming Your Self: Becoming Who You Want To Be, modeling the submodality structure of self-concept and how to change it quickly and easily.
Andreas NLP provides high-quality NLP training, books, and live online courses, ensuring transformative methods are accessible worldwide.
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