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Gain specific methods for resolving life issues, coping with day-to-day stresses, improving relationships, changing unwanted feelings, and overcoming limitations that keep you from getting what you want.
This advanced audio program covers the following NLP topics: Aligning Perceptual Positions, Core Transformation, Parental Timeline Reimprinting, and the NLP Eye Movement Integrator.
These techniques are generally useful for making a wide variety of changes, from weight loss, emotional problems, personal growth, and much more!
Program length is 9 hours and comes in two different file formats in one .zip compressed folder, with a 14 page .pdf manual. Download today without waiting for shipping!
This classic audio recording was originally available on audiocassette, then CD, and now digital download. In this digital download version, we have included two audio file formats:
1) A single file in audiobook format (.m4b). This format is ideal for use with iTunes, an iPhone/iPod, or any compatible portable media player or smartphone. The .m4b audiobook file format automatically bookmarks your place (in most players), and can even be played at different speeds (faster or slower, depending on your learning needs).
2) Multiple audio tracks, just as they are on the CD version of the program (.mp3 files). If you prefer multiple tracks, or if the long file doesn’t work on your system, this is for you. You can listen to this version on your PC, portable media player, or smartphone. You can also use this format for easily burning the tracks to eight (8) audio CDs.
No need to choose which format is right for you before you buy – both are included with your purchase.
The “Aligned Self” training has been renamed “Core Transformation Foundation.” You can find more Core Transformation resources here, including a free video with Tamara Andreas.
Connirae Andreas, Ph.D., is an internationally known trainer and developer of NLP whose work has helped define and broaden the field. She is best known for her development of the groundbreaking Core Transformation process, a method of gentle and profound transformation through accessing states of Peace, Oneness, and Presence (1989). Dr. Andreas is co-author of many books and training manuals, including Heart of the Mind, an engaging introduction and accessible “handbook” of key NLP methods. She and husband, Steve Andreas, have been influential in bringing NLP into greater public awareness: together, they created the classic Bandler-Grinder books Frogs into Princes, Trance-Formations, Reframing, and others, and improved the quality of NLP training worldwide as their NLP Training Manuals, books, and learning materials have become templates for many trainers around the globe. Their work has been translated into over 15 languages. Connirae’s developments also include the NLP grief process, timeline change work (with husband Steve Andreas), advanced language patterns, and parenting methods. With her most recent work, The Wholeness Work, Connirae once again has created a simple and precise method for experiencing what spiritual teachings talk about, in such a way that it transforms and heals our life “suffering.” In addition to the Andreas NLP Trainings website, the work of Dr. Andreas can be found at:
Andreas NLP provides high-quality NLP training, books, and live online courses, ensuring transformative methods are accessible worldwide.
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