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Have you been struggling with yourself, trying to better yourself in some way, only to find that it takes a lot of effort and doesn’t really work very well?
Have you found that even if you can force yourself to do better, think better, or feel better for a moment, if you relax your vigilance, the old patterns come right back?
Have you been feeling, deep down, like you aren’t good enough, no matter how hard you try?
If so, you aren’t alone! And there’s another way.
It might surprise you to learn that there’s a natural state within you, that we could call your true inner essence, from which inner change becomes effortless.
V.1 Available now for free!
(This may or may not be true in the future)
Instead of judging yourself and/or struggling with yourself, there’s a way to truly be your own inner essence, filled with a natural wellbeing.
And by learning to satisfy your deepest unconscious yearnings, your “problematic” feelings, thoughts, and behaviors can naturally and easily become non-issues.
This might be hard to believe–and yet this is exactly what thousands and thousands of people have experienced. And if it’s possible for others, it’s possible for you.
The process that can get you there is called Core Transformation. And now there’s a new micro-book that can introduce you to Core Transformation in a very short amount of time. You have literally nothing to lose, and so much to gain!
Change Without Struggle: Becoming your true self with Core Transformation® can get you started on a new path of working in harmony with your core inner nature–which is universally positive for all human beings. And you don’t need to take our word for it, because you can test it out for yourself! This book includes:
I wish you the very best for your ongoing journey!
Warm wishes,
Tamara Andreas
Andreas NLP provides high-quality NLP training, books, and live online courses, ensuring transformative methods are accessible worldwide.
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