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Are you a therapist or coach struggling to create lasting change in your clients? Do you find yourself stuck in repetitive sessions, yearning for deeper breakthroughs? The Metaphors of Movement training could be your game-changing solution. This isn’t just another tool to add to your toolset, it gives you a reliable way to zero in on exactly what’s keeping your client stuck, rather than wasting time focusing somewhere else.
For example, one participant in the metaphors of movement training discovered that her metaphor for her business was like “a covered wagon heading west, with a broken axle.” She discovered, to her surprise, that there was no horse to pull the wagon! Even if she fixed the axle, there was nothing to drive her business forward.
She had invested a lot of money and time on standard business coaching, to little effect (they had been focusing on the axle), but when she looked at the metaphor she realized she needed to find a horse to be able to drive her business forward. This was such a helpful insight that she came back to the Metaphors of Movement training the next year and shared what actionable steps she had taken to move her business forward.
This training delves into the power of metaphorical understanding, unlocking new perspectives for both you and your clients. By interpreting the 'code' your clients speak, you can guide them through transformative journeys that previously seemed impossible.
Enter your email below to access this free training. Discover how you can “read your clients’ fortune” and deliver insights that perfectly match and uncover the crux of their problems, rather than falling into the trap of trying to help them get their own failed solutions to succeed.
Discover how our trainings can transform your understanding and expierence.
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