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“Parts work” methods go way back, and can be very powerful. Fritz Perls, founder of Gestalt Therapy, was known for his “two chair” parts work. He might have the “part of me that wants to please other people” talk to “the part that wants to do what I want to do,” for example. Virginia Satir, the famous family therapist, also did parts work. NLP has offered some streamlined parts methods since the late 70’s. In the late 80’s, Connirae Andreas developed Core Transformation, which takes parts work to a much deeper level.
In recent times, a parts work method called “Internal Family Systems” (or IFS) has become quite popular in mainstream awareness.
Increasingly, people with IFS background are finding their way to us – and to Core Transformation. They’re attracted to Core Transformation because of CT’s reputation for getting reliable and rapid – and deep – results. AND, they often have questions. Even many questions.
My guest for our next live video podcast will be executive coach Stephen Josephs, who has extensive background in several parts work methods, including both IFS and Core Transformation.
This podcast is specially intended for IFS Practitioners, and those with an IFS background.
And we welcome everybody! This podcast will also be useful for CT coaches and therapists who want to understand how to best meet the needs of clients with an IFS background.
Please join us if you’ve got a little time on Friday, February 10th – or watch later at your convenience.
The live podcast is called... Fulfilling the Goals of IFS – And Taking Things a Step Farther – With Core Transformation
Guest: Stephen Josephs, Executive Coach
Host: Tamara Andreas, Trainer with Andreas NLP
Friday Jan 10th 2023 at 10:00am Denver Time, streamed live on YouTube. Check your time zone.
We're streaming live to YouTube. All you have to do is click the link and watch.
You can also register here to get email reminders.
During the live stream, you will be able to put your questions in the live chat.
Afterwards, a replay will be available at the same YouTube link.
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