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Do you want practical skills, strategies, and resources to help resolve inner conflicts, build emotional intelligence, and live a more fulfilling life?
You’ve come to the birthplace of fundamentally new and powerful methods.
That might sound like a big claim! And it is. We hope you take the time to check it out for yourself. If you’d like reliable deep transformation that’s compassionate and gentle, watch our free videos and experience the beginning steps. Find out why practitioners who have mastered some of the most effective methods known, tell us “your methods are revolutionary.” They’ve found that these methods can help them make changes that had been out of their grasp.
Find out if you agree.
Are you interested in personal transformation for yourself?
Do you want to have the best coaching skills and methods for helping your clients?
Either way, you’ve come to the right place.
Andreas NLP is the home of two breakthrough methods that are changing coaching, personal growth, and even spiritual growth, for the better. These powerful methods–Core Transformation, and the Wholeness Work–were developed right here.
A breakthrough in two fields:
Personal transformation and spiritual evolution will never be the same again.
Change can be easier, kinder, and more reliable than we thought possible.
(Five RCT studies already show Core Transformation to have strong and reliable benefits after just two sessions.) See our research page here for a partial list.
Core Transformation and the Wholeness Work are being utilized by a growing network of individuals, coaches, therapists, and NLP trainers around the world.
Find out what your experience is. You can begin with our Free Intros here…
Uncover the path that aligns with your inner journey and aspirations in 11 questions.
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Our primary methodologies, Core Transformation and the Wholeness Work, transform our experience at the deepest level.
“Spiritual NLP” has become something of a buzzword. Yet typically, methods intended for spiritual transformation are built on the same models / assumptions that apply to the behavioral level.
Through her own journey of healing and awakening, Connirae Andreas has discovered a new model of Spiritual NLP that makes a deeper level of transformation possible.
For learning purposes, you can start with either method. We offer NLP training online in both methods, so you can learn conveniently from home.
Core Transformation allows us to transform stress, limiting beliefs, and bad habits in a heart-felt way. Instead of fighting an inner battle using willpower, we resolve inner conflicts with all parts of ourselves. This leads to effortless change that feels deeply compassionate. Not only do we change our feelings, thoughts, and behaviors, we also get to increasingly experience an ongoing sense of ease and well-being. And there’s research that supports the effectiveness of Core Transformation!
Core Transformation is an ideal starting point for a wide range of issues, from overcoming anxiety and depression to enhancing personal and professional development and self-awareness.
Through our online training, you can learn this powerful method from the comfort and convenience of home, with a fantastic group of people around the world. Whether you are seeking your own personal changes in life, or whether you help others to make changes professionally as a therapist or coach, you will love the Core Transformation training courses we offer at Andreas NLP.
To get started, you can learn more about the next Core Transformation Foundation training, live and online.
Core Transformation emerged from the field of Neuro-Linguistic Programming or NLP. That said, Classical NLP excels at what we call Stage III Transformation. Core Transformation preserves what’s most valuable in Classical NLP while taking things to the next level, which we call Stage IV Transformation. So we could say our trainings are NLP trainings, and at the same time we’re going beyond NLP training.
The Wholeness Work provides a new “path to awakening” that also resolves our life’s problems. You can use it as a meditation, to improve your sleep, or as “change work” to resolve your life’s biggest issues. The Wholeness Work often works where other methods have not, because it dissolves deeper structures that aren’t touched by more surface-level approaches.
Interest in mindfulness meditation has never been greater. The Wholeness Work goes beyond mindfulness to also give us a tool for gently transforming our lives in a deep way. Both novice and advanced meditators find profound benefits in the Wholeness Work.
After doing Wholeness Work, people report more joy, sense of humor, creativity, improved sleep, and more. We have multiple levels of Wholeness training to support your own journey towards wholeness, from beginner to advanced.
Therapists and coaches also love learning the Wholeness Work, because it’s so effective for clients, and enjoyable to facilitate.
To get started, you can learn more about the next Wholeness Work Level I training, live and online.
For example, Core Transformation is a better methodology to use with healing the effects of trauma, in the beginning of the healing process. CT typically guides a person into positive states within the first several steps. (Also, certain advanced CT formats add even more support for healing intense emotions.) After experiencing significant changes through CT, for many people, the Wholeness Work is then able to take them even farther in their healing journey.
The Wholeness Work works at a slightly deeper level, accesses inner structures that CT doesn’t normally include, and offers a more thorough transformation of certain issues. Where Core Transformation elicits more conscious “content,” The Wholeness Work is remarkably “content free,” working at pre-verbal levels where the deepest change is possible.
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Here’s what we would consider, if we were choosing an online NLP training:
Yes. We offer trainings appropriate for beginners in all three of our main methodologies:
In addition, we can send you two free introductory trainings, suitable for beginners, within 24 hours.
Our trainings are priced affordably, compared to others in the field. This is even more apparent when quality is taken into account. Our goal is to make our material widely available, to make a difference in the world.
For example, our Core Transformation Foundation course includes at least 21 hours of training, plus an additional 1.5 hours of bonus Q&A. Tuition is $595 (with a $150 discount for early registration.)
For specific pricing information for our other trainings, please see our training page(s).
We offer NLP training right in your own living room! Our “live-online” format allows a very cost-effective way of attending a training with a wonderful group of people from all over the world, coming together for transformation and learning. There are no travel expenses, and no travel days.
In the past, we’ve offered NLP training in the Denver area, in-person. And we may again, as travel becomes safer.
These are the three main ways we know that NLP methods can be highly effective in getting results:
Andreas NLP is known for:
Classical NLP can:
Andreas NLP methods can:
Andreas NLP offers Core Transformation Coach Certification, live online. This is an in-depth training in a method that’s deeply effective and kind. Our certification training is a very rigorous, thorough training that provides a unique structure that works to get a professional level of skills into your behavior. Our Certified Coaches gain confidence as their skills increase.
Yes. We offer free introductory videos for Core Transformation and the Wholeness Work.
Yes. In particular, Andreas NLP’s primary methodologies of Core Transformation and/or the Wholeness Work can help someone start a coaching practice (whether they call it “life coaching” or “spiritual life coaching”). That’s because these methods help people access such a profound inner resource, many people consider it to be “spiritual.” However, no spiritual beliefs or goals are required. Many people benefit from these methods just because they want change in their lives. They want to change feelings, thought patterns, or behaviors that they don’t like.
We offer a Core Transformation Coach Certification that delivers a professional level of skill with Core Transformation.
Everyone may have their own way of measuring worth. Here’s one way to think about it:
Personal Benefit: Right now, a Starbucks drink costs about $3 (more or less). An ice cream cone or a beer can cost about that, or more. Many people feel good about spending $3 on something that makes them happy for a short time.
If a person spent $3 a day on this sort of purchase, it would add up to $1,095 in a year. If $1095 a year is a reasonable “daily happiness budget,” what if we spent that budget on something that can give us long-term happiness? What if we could buy a skill that can ease our stress and give us a greater ongoing sense of well-being, not just every day this year, but every year for the rest of our lives? What would that be worth?
With Andreas NLP primary methodologies of Core Transformation and/or the Wholeness Work, you can gain skills that contribute to both daily happiness and lasting happiness. You’ll have ways you can dissolve the stress happening that day, and also ways to gain a greater ongoing sense of wellbeing.
Professional Benefit: In addition, many people find NLP helps them make more money:
NLP also offers ways to improve communication, which is a key to success in any endeavor. For example, being able to understand someone else’s point of view, and express one’s own, without being derailed by emotional reactivity, can help all of our interactions go more smoothly and efficiently. And this can translate into greater success, as well as more pleasantness in our business relationships.
Explore a world of personal growth with our comprehensive training schedule.
Andreas NLP provides high-quality NLP training, books, and live online courses, ensuring transformative methods are accessible worldwide.
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