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List of the Best Source Materials
What it is: Pairing two experiences together, so that one can elicit the other. Classical Conditioning. Anchoring methods offer ways to utilize this known phenomenon to change experience usefully.
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What it is: We can experience a memory from different perceptual positions: Self (our own point of view), Other (someone else’s point of view), or Observer (watching from the outside like a consultant). Each perceptual position offers unique advantages or “wisdom.” The Aligning Perceptual Positions Process guides us in reorganizing our experience to maximize the benefit we can get from each perceptual position. [See also “Perceptual Positions.”] Useful with any relationship issues, as it increases our clarity and emotional intelligence. Because it “cleans our sensory channels” this method also can get good results with learning disabilities.
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What it is: A submodalities method to change a limiting belief into an empowering one.
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What it is: How to discover the unconscious experience of our “personal boundaries,” and how to change our boundaries to function optimally for us.
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What it is: Changing an unresourceful past experience, by using anchoring to bring in a resource experience. [see “anchoring”]
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What it is: A method of using spatial anchoring to access resource states.
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What it is: A method to discover the experience basis for a compulsion response. Once the structure of the compulsion is understood, it becomes possible to take the compulsion over threshold and have it “pop” or “collapse.” The result is the person no longer has the driven feeling response.
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What it is: This method uses our limitations as a doorway to felt states of being such as “peace,” “love,” and “oneness.” Through the steps of the process, this core state organically—and often profoundly—transforms our life situations. Usually results in increased general wellbeing. Useful with a wide range of emotional responses and troublesome behaviors. Often Core Transformation results in a deeper healing when something has already been partially transformed or healed using another method. (Developed 1989.)
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What it is: A submodalities method for being able to receive criticism resourcefully.
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What it is: Creating a transformative memory and placing it on our personal timeline prior to a difficult event, producing positive change.
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What it is: A comprehensive eye movement method that can be used with trauma and other unresourceful emotional responses. (More complete than EMDR.)
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What it is: A way to experience forgiveness for past wrongs or perceived wrongs.
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What it is: A simple pattern for creating motivation utilizing submodalities and an “iris pattern.”
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What it is: A simple method to transform unresolved grief rapidly. The client is guided in transforming the experience of loss into an experience of “positive presence”. The main phases are: 1) finding an experience of someone they’ve actually lost but whom they experience as a positive presence when they think of this person. 2) Using their own unconscious codings for the experience of “positive presence” experience to ecologically change/heal/transform their experience of loss. 3) Placing what’s valued in the past relationship on the future timeline. This is a simple and powerful method.
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What it is: A simple submodalities method to transform unresolved guilt.
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Note: Our most highly recommended method for guilt is the “Wholeness Work Authority format,” taught on Day 2 of the Wholeness Foundation Training. This results in a deeper level healing and transformation of guilt. If you begin with the submodalities Guilt Resolution process, we encourage you to follow-up with the Wholeness Work.
What it is: Some people tend to decide for themselves, others tend to follow the opinions of others. This is a submodalities method to help people make their own decisions.
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What it is: Non-Violent Communication is a simple, gentle and effective way of making requests, first modeled from Virginia Satir, and further developed by Marshall Rosenberg. Although this originated outside the field of NLP, we are including it in this list because we’ve found our modified version of NVC to be extremely useful, and very congruent with the best of NLP.
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What it is: Utilizing both our personal timeline, plus our representation of our parents’ timelines, to generalize resources through past, present and future. This method is used after completing the Core Transformation method to enhance results and increase resilience of the change.
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What it is: In memories as well as ongoing life, we can experience something from one of three main perceptual positions. “Self” position is experiencing from our own position. “Other” position is experiencing it as if we’re the other person. Or we can experience as an outside “Observer.” Since each position has benefits, we gain wisdom and flexibility through learning to use all three. (see also “Aligning Perceptual Positions”)
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What it is: A method for quickly and thoroughly shifting a phobic response to a specific stimulus. Also effective for trauma. The method uses what’s called “3 place dissociation” and the rewind technique.
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What it is: Positive or useful Self Concept has been widely discussed as a significant predictor of wellbeing, happiness, and success in life. Steve’s original material on Self Concept gives us a way to construct a positive self concept that functions automatically and ecologically.
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What it is: Some things we assume the body will heal on its own, for example a small cut, a cold, etc. This method utilizes our unconscious codings for things we expect to heal automatically, to directionalize our unconscious to support healing in other situations.
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What is it: This method guides us in communicating with the unconscious “part” responsible for an unwanted behavior or response, discovering its positive intent, and generating new choices, all at the unconscious level, so that the change happens both easily and ecologically.
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Frogs into Princes, Richard Bandler & John Grinder. Ed. S. Andreas. (1979) Chapter III “Finding New Ways,” pp. 137- 163. (Outline p. 160.)
What it is: This method directionalizes the unconscious to automatically go from the stimulus for a problem state or behavior, to a compelling image of “the you that you would be without this problem.” Useful for changing unwanted habits (such as nailbiting, smoking, etc.), and difficult emotional responses.
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What it is: Submodalities are the smaller elements of how we see, hear, or feel things. For example a Visual image can be bright or dim, large or small, close or far away. Our brains use these and other submodality elements to categorize our experiences. Mapping Across is a method that enables us to discover how our brain is categorizing a limiting experience, and shift it into another category offering more flexibility or resourcefulness.
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What it is: Some types of feelings, especially anxiety and panic, literally have a spin to them. This direction of spin can be discovered, and when reversed in a specific way, reverses the subjective experience of the feeling as well. It can be a very quick way of transforming anxiety or panic.
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What it is: Troublesome inner voices have been an age-old problem. This is a simple method of transforming problematic inner voices utilizing tempo rather than content.
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What it is: The way we code “time” at the unconscious level influences what comes easily for us and what is difficult. The Timeline methods show how to discover these codings, plus when and how to change them.
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Note: The above resources are for materials on how to change the structure of the way we code time. In contrast, there are methods that don’t change the structure of the timeline, but utilize the timeline to create change. For methods utilizing the Timeline to create change, see “Decision Destroyer” “Core Transformation Timeline Generalization,” “Parental Timeline Reimprinting” and “Resolving Grief.”
NLP methods have been shown to be very effective in healing trauma.
If the person has a “phobic” response to trauma (i.e. is triggered into a negative emotional state, experiences flashbacks, or nightmares, etc.), the first step is often to use a trauma response method. The Two key methods that transform the phobic response to trauma are: “Fast Phobia/Trauma Technique,” and “Eye Movement Integration Technique,”.
Complex trauma involves more than just recovery from the strong emotional response. It can include experiences of anger, guilt, shame, anxiety, etc.
For full healing of the various threads of “complex trauma,” here are the resources we recommend.
Source Materials for Complex Trauma:
What it is: A method to elicit an inner polarity (or opposite) and integrate it in a straightforward manner. (Also called “Outcome Integration”
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What is it? A set of methods, useful for transforming life difficulties and stress, through a precise method including finding and dissolving the everyday sense of the “ego.” In addition to resolving our life issues, this method can be used as a life practice that results in ongoing wellbeing, and perhaps even what spiritual teachers refer to as “awakening.” Results in a natural increase in creativity, problem-solving ability, and better sleep. This method offers a more precise and specific (and complete) way of doing what Mindfulness attempts to do.
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The Wholeness Work: 2-Day Training, Connirae Andreas. (video, 2013) Filmed in 2013, this is an earlier version of Days 1 & 2 of the live Wholeness Trainings. It includes the methods in the book, plus a section on using Wholeness Work for sleep, the “Integrating Inner Authority,” and “Integrating What’s Missing” processes. Demonstrations plus step-by-step handouts for each method. (8 hours on streaming video)
What is it? A set of methods, useful for transforming life difficulties and stress, through a precise method including finding and dissolving the everyday sense of the “ego.” In addition to resolving our life issues, this method can be used as a life practice that results in ongoing wellbeing, and perhaps even what spiritual teachers refer to as “awakening.” Results in a natural increase in creativity, problem-solving ability, and better sleep. This method offers a more precise and specific (and complete) way of doing what Mindfulness attempts to do.
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The Wholeness Work: 2-Day Training, Connirae Andreas. (video, 2013) Filmed in 2013, this is an earlier version of Days 1 & 2 of the live Wholeness Trainings. It includes the methods in the book, plus a section on using Wholeness Work for sleep, the “Integrating Inner Authority,” and “Integrating What’s Missing” processes. Demonstrations plus step-by-step handouts for each method. (8 hours on streaming video)
The field of NLP includes more than specific “Patterns” or procedures that can reliably result in change. There are unique and useful ways of understanding human experience and behavior, that the researcher and in-depth student of NLP will find helpful.
What it is: Cognitive strategies are the sequences of inner images, feelings, and things we say to ourselves on the inside, that lead to a particular result.
What it is: Good spellers go through a specific sequence of inner images and thoughts that lead to correct spelling. This “cognitive strategy” can be taught easily to bad spellers, so that they too can automatically spell well.
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What it is: When we make a decision, we go through an unconscious sequence of inner images, auditory (what we say to ourselves), and feelings. Some difficulties are the result of poor decision strategies, and can be resolved by a change in this unconscious sequence.
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What it is: The sequence of inner images, auditory (what we say to ourselves), and feelings that someone has when thinking of doing a task or activity. Some sequences create positive motivation while others don’t work.
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What it is: People who are naturally slender often make decisions about what and when to eat in a specific way. It’s out of consciousness, but when understood can be learned by anyone.
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What it is: Eye Cues can help with strategy elicitation, and are useful in Eye Movement Integration.
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What it is:
Meta-Model II is a highly-effective question sequence beginning with gathering information about someone’s goals or outcomes. We next ask questions that reveal current limitations and available resources, and help move the person in the direction of having the outcome they want. (When using Meta-Model II, we can continue to use Meta-Model I to get complete answers to our questions.).
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What it is: (See “Advanced Language Patterns” below.)
What it is: The language patterns that can make it easy for someone to change their state and experience. Called the “Milton Model” because these patterns were derived from the work of Dr. Milton Erickson, M.D. Useful for trance induction, and also for assisting someone in easily shifting state.
Trance-Formations: Neuro-Linguistic Programming and the Structure of Hypnosis, Grinder, J., and Bandler, R. Ed. Connirae Andreas. (1981) Appendix II. “Hypnotic Language Patterns: The Milton Model.” pp. 240-250.
The NLP Practitioner Manual: Trainer Edition, Andreas & Andreas. (1986) Days 7 & 8 include the Milton-Model.
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