Comprehensive Source Materials For NLP Methods

List of the Best Source Materials

Table Of Contents
Aligning Perceptual Positions
Beliefs: Change Beliefs
Boundaries Change
Change Personal History
Circle Of Excellence
Compulsion Blow-Out
Core Transformation
Criticism: Responding To Criticism Strategy
Criteria Change Method
Decision Destroyer
Eye Movement Integration Technique (EMI)
Forgiveness (Anger/Resolution)
Godiva Chocolate Pattern
[Andreas] Grief Resolution Process
Guilt Resolution
Internal/External Reference
Non-Violent Communication (NVC)
Parental Timeline Reimprinting
Perceptual Positions
Phobia: Fast Phobia/Trauma Technique
Self Concept
Self-Healing Method
Shame Resolution
Six-Step Reframing
Swish Pattern
Submodalities Mapping Across
Spinning Feelings
Tempo Shift
Timelines & Time Organization
Visual Squash
The Wholeness Work
Other Significant Contributions
Cognitive Strategies
Spelling Strategy
Decision Strategy
Motivation Strategy
The Naturally Slender Eating Strategy
Eye Accessing Cues
Language Patterns The Meta Model
Goals & Personal Outcomes
Meta Model III
Presuppositions & Advanced Language Patterns:


Aligning Perceptual Positions

Beliefs: Change Beliefs

Boundaries Change

Change Personal History

What it is: Changing an unresourceful past experience, by using anchoring to bring in a resource experience. [see “anchoring”]

Source Materials:

  1. Frogs into Princes, Bandler & Grinder. (1979)  pp. 82 – 88. (called “secret therapy”)

Circle Of Excellence

What it is: A method of using spatial anchoring to access resource states. 

Source Materials:

  1. NLP: The New Technology of Achievement,  NLP Comprehensive, edited by Steve Andreas & Charles Faulkner. (1996) pp. 43-47 (outline p. 45)

Compulsion Blow-Out

Core Transformation

Criticism: Responding To Criticism Strategy

Criteria Change Method

Decision Destroyer

Eye Movement Integration Technique (EMI)

Forgiveness (Anger/Resolution)

Godiva Chocolate Pattern

[Andreas] Grief Resolution Process

Guilt Resolution

Internal/External Reference

Non-Violent Communication (NVC)

Parental Timeline Reimprinting

Perceptual Positions

Phobia: Fast Phobia/Trauma Technique

Self Concept

Self-Healing Method

Shame Resolution

Six-Step Reframing

Swish Pattern

Submodalities Mapping Across

What it is: Submodalities are the smaller elements of how we see, hear, or feel things. For example a Visual image can be bright or dim, large or small, close or far away. Our brains use these and other submodality elements to categorize our experiences. Mapping Across is a method that enables us to discover how our brain is categorizing a limiting experience, and shift it into another category offering more flexibility or resourcefulness.

Source Materials:

  1. Using Your Brain –For a Change, Richard Bandler, Ed. S. & C. Andreas. (1985) Chapter 6, “Understanding Confusion” pp. 83-101.


  • There are many other Change Methods that use Submodalities Mapping Across as part of the change process. See “Grief Resolution,” “Guilt Resolution,” “Shame Resolution.”
  • Submodalities are also a key aspect of the other change processes, including the Swish Pattern, Spinning Feelings, and Tempo Shift patterns. These methods don’t use mapping across but utilize submodalities in other way

Spinning Feelings

Tempo Shift

Timelines & Time Organization


Visual Squash

The Wholeness Work

Other Significant Contributions

The field of NLP includes more than specific “Patterns” or procedures that can reliably result in change. There are unique and useful ways of understanding human experience and behavior, that the researcher and in-depth student of NLP will find helpful.

Cognitive Strategies

What it is: Cognitive strategies are the sequences of inner images, feelings, and things we say to ourselves on the inside, that lead to a particular result.

Spelling Strategy

Decision Strategy

Motivation Strategy

The Naturally Slender Eating Strategy

Eye Accessing Cues

What it is: Eye Cues can help with strategy elicitation, and are useful in Eye Movement Integration.

Source Materials: 

  1. Trance-Formations: Neuro-Linguistic Programming and the Structure of Hypnosis, Grinder, J., and Bandler, R. Ed. Connirae Andreas. (1981) Appendix II. “Eye Accessing Cues,” pp. 238-239
  2. Frogs into Princes: Neuro Linguistic Programming, by Bandler, R., and Grinder, J., Ed. Andreas, Steve. (1979) Eye Accessing Cues chart & discussion pp. 17-30.

The Meta Model

What it is:

The Meta-Model helps us recognize when someone’s communication isn’t yet specific, and helps us ask specific questions both to help us understand, and to enrich the speaker’s understanding of their own experience. It also includes recognizing & challenging “limits to the speaker’s model”.

Source Materials:

  1. NLP Practitioner Training Manual: Trainer Edition, Andreas & Andreas. (1986) Day 6 includes Meta-Model II: The Outcome Questions

Goals & Personal Outcomes

Meta Model III

What it is: (See “Advanced Language Patterns” below.)

The Milton Model

What it is: The language patterns that can make it easy for someone to change their state and experience. Called the “Milton Model” because these patterns were derived from the work of Dr. Milton Erickson, M.D. Useful for trance induction, and also for assisting someone in easily shifting state.

  1. Trance-Formations: Neuro-Linguistic Programming and the Structure of Hypnosis, Grinder, J., and Bandler, R. Ed. Connirae Andreas. (1981) Appendix II. “Hypnotic Language Patterns: The Milton Model.” pp. 240-250.

  2. The NLP Practitioner Manual: Trainer Edition, Andreas & Andreas.  (1986) Days 7 & 8 include the Milton-Model.

Presuppositions & Advanced Language Patterns:

Frameworks For Understanding Change:

Andreas NLP provides high-quality NLP training, books, and live online courses, ensuring transformative methods are accessible worldwide.

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