What You'll Learn In Level II

You will experience Connirae teaching all the level II material, including…

Each module includes a demonstration, discussion, and Q&A.

In the demonstration you can experience Connirae’s voice guiding the process, and witness how she adapts the format to fit the person she’s guiding. This is very helpful if you're a coach or therapist wanting to use Wholeness Work with your clients!

Prerequisite: This training is for everyone who has completed Wholeness Work Level I.

To benefit from this program, it’s important you’ve already experienced the Wholeness Level I methods and principles. This includes practice with...

To get this prerequisite, you can take the Wholeness Work Level I training live online, or you can watch the video training.

These basic formats continue to be helpful as part of your ongoing Wholeness Work practice too!

Q: I have experience with meditation, mindfulness, non-dual teachings, or another similar approach. So do I really need Level I? Or can I skip Wholeness Level I and begin with Level II?

A: If you have experience with meditation, mindfulness, etc., you’re likely to feel at home in Wholeness Work. Wholeness Work is aligned with these approaches — and its unique contribution is that it offers specific teachings and practices for how to experience what these approaches describe.

Wholeness Work is about the same “territory.” However, the Wholeness Work is different from any of these other approaches in some very specific ways. It can be useful to go in with “beginner’s mind” and especially notice what might be different.

It will still be essential for you to begin with Wholeness Level I. This is because Wholeness Work gives you specific practices, and teaches some precise principles that are unique to this method. You’ll need these teachings from Level I to be able to benefit from the Level II material.

NOTE: This training is edited from Zoom recordings of a live online training. Expect the quality of a zoom course at that time. You’ll be able to get all the content/material, but there are occasional audio stutters or minor video issues.

Experience the groundbreaking Metaphors of Movement work in this comprehensive Level 1 training brought to you by trainer and author, Mark Andreas. This course will guide you through the mind-blowing world of unconscious metaphor, how these metaphors shape our lives, and what they reveal about our complex life experiences.

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People have realized for centuries that a strong identity provides both a keel and a compass as we sail the seas of life, maintaining stability and direction despite winds, weather, and currents. But if your self-concept is poorly constructed, it won’t work very well in storms, and may steer you onto the rocks. Stability can also interfere with changing direction when you want to do that. This training teaches you how your self-concept functions, and how to use those understandings to make your self-concept work better.

Andreas NLP provides high-quality NLP training, books, and live online courses, ensuring transformative methods are accessible worldwide.

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