Beyond Self-Esteem, the power of the self-concept in motivating and directing a person’s behavior has been recognized for years. This pattern, developed by Steve and Connirae Andreas, uses submodalities to elicit the existing structure of self-concept, and then build a new one with the same structure. In this demonstration Peter learned how to think of himself as lovable, and the wide-ranging impact of this change is demonstrated in follow-up interviews with Peter and his wife. (42 minutes, 32 seconds in length.)

In this video, Steve shows us how to use submodalities (sensory distinctions such as bright/dim; loud/quiet; hard/soft) to strengthen self-concept. Steve’s client Peter learns to think of himself as loveable; and through follow-up interviews, you’ll hear how this change has affected Peter and his wife. To get maximum benefit from this video, you’ll need prior NLP experience.

Part of me wants to do this, but another part is not sure. You’ve probably heard this before, and maybe you’ve even said it. The “part” that’s not sure is usually “not sure” for an important reason. Use six-step reframing to examine such internal dialogue, evaluate internal objections and concerns. Connirae teaches this technique with a woman who wants to stop smoking. The video concludes with a follow-up interview.

72 minutes, 817.7MB .m4v video file, exclusively available as a digital download.

Experts acknowledge shame as a root cause of many difficulties – including alcoholism, drug abuse, and codependence. Steve Andreas examines the structure of shame, then demonstrates a rapid method for resolving shame and regaining a sense of self-esteem. Note: Viewers need prior NLP experience to benefit from this tape.

Download as a single 442.7 MB .m4v video file, 32m 42s. As this demonstration was originally on VHS, expect the recording quality and fashion sensibilities to reflect the age this video was recorded, even as the quality of the material being demonstrated continues to be of rare excellence.

It is possible to resolve grief relatively quickly, using a method developed by Steve and Connirae Andreas. In this classic video demonstration, Connirae Andreas will show you how as she works with a man who recently faced the death of his infant son. She demonstrates a technique you can use with job, relationship, or any other type of loss. 54 minutes. Note: Viewers need prior NLP experience to benefit from this tape.

Download as a single 738.4 MB .m4v video file. As this demonstration was originally on VHS, expect the recording quality and fashion sensibilities to reflect the age this video was recorded, even as the quality of the material being demonstrated continues to be of rare excellence.

In seven minutes, Steve helps a client eliminate an intense, 20-year phobia of bees. One year later, Steve tests this therapeutic intervention by bringing a bottle of bees into her house and letting a few of them loose. The technique works for more pervasive phobias/traumas, too. This video includes a follow-up interview with a Vietnam War veteran who overcame post-traumatic stress syndrome and a phobia of Asian people in one session with Connirae. 

This is an example of real mastery of NLP. We now have a TWENTY FIVE year follow up interview with one of the same people on the video that you can watch here:

Timelines (the way people “code” time) are one of the more easily understood models in NLP. Useful for problem-solving, the model is also very useful in setting goals and creating the motivation to achieve those goals. Timelines can provide answers to many situations including being preoccupied with the past or unable to remember the past, repeating past mistakes, or feeling depressed. Connirae Andreas demonstrates how to modify timelines to help people achieve the results they want in life.

Download as a .zip file containing one 964.9MB .m4v video file, 77 minutes in length, and a 4-page .pdf handout. As this demonstration was originally on VHS, expect the recording quality and fashion sensibilities to reflect the age this video was recorded, even as the quality of the material being demonstrated continues to be of rare excellence.

Learn how to take feedback comfortably without blowing your stack or feeling bad. In a demonstration with a young man who takes criticism much too personally, Steve teaches a technique that allows a person to hear criticism, decide whether or not it has merit, and choose comfortably what – if anything – to do about it. 39 minutes, 39 seconds.

A “core state” is a state of being. It is not something you do or achieve (success). It’s not something you get from others (appreciation) or even yourself (self-appreciation). It is not something you know (wisdom). And it is not a specific emotion. In this “Demonstration with Diane,” Connirae shows how to include and work with objections. You’ll see how these objections are met sensitively and skillfully so that by the end of the session each “objection” enhances the work substantially.

Graphics and commentary help you follow along.

The “Identity Process” has been renamed “Core Transformation.” Find more Core Transformation resources here, including a free video with Tamara Andreas. 

Parental Timeline Reimprinting is included in most Core Transformation seminars and is a powerful method for using our Core States to heal our past, even in very troubled circumstances; making it a wonderful compliment to use with the Core Transformation process.

This video includes a training demonstration by Connirae Andreas of Parental Timeline Reimprinting with a woman whose father was an alcoholic, and includes a follow-up interview.

Parental Timeline Reimprinting is taught as a “companion process” of Core Transformation. You can find many Core Transformation resources here, including a free video with Tamara Andreas.

See a basic example of the Core Transformation process in action as Connirae Andreas helps Roger resolve writer’s block. Connirae guides Roger in discovering the positive purpose within this limitation. Then this positive purpose becomes an asset that helps Roger make the changes he wants.

You’ll also view brief examples of using Core Transformation with job security and relationship issues. Comes with a 6-page PDF handout for a brief summary of the steps in the process.

Many find that the Core Transformation book is the ideal companion to this video. The book includes an easy-to-use word script to assist you toward using Core Transformation with your own limitations and goals.

Find more Core Transformation resources here, including a free video and in-person trainings with Connirae Andreas.

Andreas NLP provides high-quality NLP training, books, and live online courses, ensuring transformative methods are accessible worldwide.

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