Beryl expressed a strong polarity which she variously described as: moving forward vs. receiving and allowing, risk vs. stability, doing vs. being, confidence vs. fear, masculine vs. feminine, “everything else” vs. love. The task in this 48-minute session was to transform these “either/or” opposites into “both/ands,” so that she could become more integrated, and draw on all her abilities simultaneously. In a second 44-minute session, Beryl processed her mother’s suicide when she was ten years old. Two unedited NLP client sessions with follow-up.

Simon had no trouble motivating himself positively to run a 5K race, which he loved, but he completely avoided dealing with his finances. When a letter came from the IRS, he felt anxious, but then put the letter away unopened, paralyzed by competing fears-of becoming destitute, or becoming like his father, whose whole life was consumed by financial matters. An unedited 44-minute NLP client session with follow-up.

Andreas NLP provides high-quality NLP training, books, and live online courses, ensuring transformative methods are accessible worldwide.

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