Eloise Ristad deals with the complex problems which torment and cripple so many of our most creative and talented people, and she does so with compassion, wisdom, and wit. Methods for dealing with the problems of stage fright, self-criticism, preparation for performance, releasing creativity, etc. 201 pp.

Foreword, by Lorin Hollander, concert pianist

Eloise Ristad deals here with complex problems which torment and cripple so many of our most creative and talented people, and she does so with compassion, wisdom, and wit. The problem of stage fright, for instance, is a suffering of epidemic proportions in our society, and involves modalities of thought and projections that rob spontaneity and enthusiasm in artistic performance.

Those interested in creative education have long felt that an entirely new, holistic and nurturing process of allowing individuals to discover and express themselves is needed if our educational system is to avoid the neuroses and creative blocks of the past generation. This book illuminates through its conversational style the destructive inhibitions, fears, and guilt experienced by all of us as we fail to break through to creativity. This story is told to me day after day in conservatories and college campuses around the world. Indeed I felt at times that she was telling of my own most petty and debilitating fears.

But what is important, A Soprano on Her Head supplies answers and methods for overcoming these universal psychological blocks–methods that have not only been proven in her own studio, but which trace back through history to the oldest and wisest systems of understanding the integration of mind and body. The work bears scrutiny both scientifically and holistically.

This is a wonderful book. Read it. You are not alone.

This book is intended to change your mind about what is possible for you to achieve. By the time you finish reading the first chapter, you will be aware of the possibility of acquiring a wide range of new skills, talents, and aptitudes. By the time you finish the final chapter, you will have the tools you need to master them.

Often we feel trapped and at the mercy of emotions that we don’t want. This book teaches how to gain control over our emotional lives by discovering the many factors that together arouse our feelings. For instance, realizing that our emotions are the results of our memories of the past and our anticipation of the future as well as our perceptions in the moment, allows us to shift time frames in order to feel differently. Slowing the intensity and tempo of an unpleasant experience can change rage to dissatisfaction, and increasing the intensity and tempo of a pleasant one can change satisfaction into excitement. These are just a few of the elements of our experiencing that we can learn to modify to solve the problems caused by emotions and have a more satisfying life.

Learn how to go from wishing to having–turning possibilities into realities. Learn the thinking processes, perceptions, and behaviors that naturally lead people to success and fulfillment in many of life’s most challenging and potentially rewarding areas–loving relationships, parenting, and real choices about work, exercise, eating, etc.

This book revolves around a simple observation. Some people find their way into the joys of mystical or transcendent experiences–the direct experience of God. The elements in human experience that can lead into this direct experience of God are relatively common, and are easily available to the agnostic and atheist as well as the believer. I hope to describe the mystical experience until you begin to understand so many aspects of it that you will be able to recognize it and discover it in your own experience. The experience of God is not rare and difficult to obtain. It is our understanding of it that needs great improvement.

Michael Colgrass combines neuro-linguistic programming, mime, creativity, hypnosis, psychology and Grotowski physical training in this engaging teaching tale. Nick’s encounters with his teacher, Kumi, become one of the most comprehensive self-development chronicles ever written.

This is a book about fulfillment and choice. The practical and effective solutions presented in the following pages will enable you, if you choose, to convert the promise of personal satisfaction and fulfillment into reality.

Although the material in this book is used by clinicians in the field of psychology, all of the concepts and methods are discussed in everyday terms. Each important point is amplified with anecdotes and actual examples from my rich background in helping people achieve happier and more fulfilling lives. Even though the presentation of this material is oriented around couple relationships and sexual functioning, it is important to know that these techniques are just as effective in producing desired change in all of the other significant areas of life. The following set of resources is a therapist’s guidebook that anyone can use to resolve problems and make their life more of what they want it to be

Andreas NLP provides high-quality NLP training, books, and live online courses, ensuring transformative methods are accessible worldwide.

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