Insomnia can be a serious issue, affecting everything about our lives, including our health!

It can be a challenge to shut off our minds at night, when we’re wanting to get a restorative sleep. 

Fortunately, the Wholeness Work is an incredibly effective method for resolving insomnia. It can even help people who have had serious issues with sleep for decades.

(Note: Core Transformation can also help with this issue; however, we recommend starting with the Wholeness Work.)

“The Wholeness Work meditation has been a godsend for me, in dealing with insomnia! I had been waking up many times during the night, and it often took a long time for me to get back to sleep. Now, I might wake up once or twice and I normally go right back to sleep. It’s wonderful to finally feel rested!”


What are the 4 types of insomnia?

The four types are:

  • Difficulty getting to sleep
  • Waking up frequently during the night
  • Waking up too early and being unable to get back to sleep
  • Having poor quality of sleep

Fortunately, all four of these types tend to be significantly affected by our mental state, which we can learn to change through NLP, especially using the Wholeness Work meditation.

Does resting help when you can’t sleep?

Yes, resting can help, although there’s a very wide range in the quality of rest that people experience. If we’re lying in bed, tensed up from the challenges of the day, worrying about the next day, or ruminating about terrible problems, this isn’t very restful. 

What helps is to truly rest our minds and our whole nervous system. For example, the Wholeness Work Sleep Meditation can allow our minds to relax much more fully. This is the easiest and most restful meditation we know of, because anything that the mind does that keeps us awake can be dissolved through the Wholeness Work. A deep level relaxation of our mind and our whole psyche can also allow our muscles to let go of tension, so that our body also gets a fuller rest.

What simple tips can help when you have insomnia?

Many people find appropriate exercise helps (especially when done earlier in the day). Others find it helpful to avoid computer screens at night, or even late in the evening. Some find it useful to write down everything that’s on their mind, so they know they won’t forget these things the next day, and can more easily let them go at bedtime.

It can be helpful to have a relaxing routine in preparation for sleep, such as taking a bath, listening to relaxing music, or having a light snack or some soothing tea (without caffeine!) Including the Wholeness Work meditation in a relaxing bedtime routine can make it easier to drop off into slumber.

Why can’t I sleep even though I’m tired?

There are many things that may keep us awake. Usually, some sort of stress plays a role, such as:

• worrying about getting something done

• replaying troubling interactions over and over

• thinking about mistakes we’ve made or don’t want to make

• worrying about getting enough sleep

Luckily, with the Wholeness Work, we can do something to calm our mind, even if we can’t figure out what’s keeping us awake.

Is 2 hours of sleep better than none?

Yes, any amount can be better than none, especially if you have a way of relaxing the nervous system to get better rest. For example, the Wholeness Work meditation helps relax the nervous system, which usually also results in getting more and deeper sleep. 

Do I have a sleep disorder?

If you want to know if you could be diagnosed with a sleep disorder, check with your doctor. We don’t recommend diagnosing any disorders over the internet. If your difficulty with sleep is serious, it may be a good idea to get a check-up, to rule out the possibility of an underlying health issue.

There is a condition called “sleep apnea,” in which a person has abnormal breathing patterns while they’re sleeping. A doctor could explore to help determine if you have sleep apnea.  

However, be aware of the possibility that your doctor may prescribe sleeping pills. Some questions we’d have in this situation are: “What are the possible side effects?” and “Does this medication alter brain chemistry, making it difficult to stop taking the medication later?” (Of course, this isn’t medical advice, and any decision regarding medication is between you and your doctor.)

Fortunately, many people who have had trouble sleeping have been helped by NLP and by simple tips, regardless of whether they’ve been told they may have a sleep disorder. 

What if pain is keeping me awake?

If you’re experiencing physical pain, it can be very important to have this checked by a doctor.

Sometimes, even when there’s a physical cause of pain, the experience of pain may be exacerbated by stress. And sometimes, stress can even be the sole cause of pain. Stress is known to cause muscle tension, and muscle tension, in some cases, can result in pain. 

Learning an effective way of resolving stress can be a key to relaxing any tension and sleeping better. The Wholeness Work, again, is our recommended solution.

The Fine Print: This information is not intended to diagnose or treat any illness. If you suffer from any physical or mental illness, we recommend finding a professional who is qualified to help.